Monday, August 15, 2011

it's snowing!

Hey hey, to my two followers. It's only been EIGHT months since my last post so quite a lot has changed. Mainly to the house, life continues its mundane meandering through the middle class, wage-slave, back roads, Harper continues to grow and change. Having skipped the terribles associated with the twos he has fully embraced them as a three year old. The odd tantrum and lots of civil disobedience and a love of outright lies.

As you can see the front of the house is finished, though you can't see the newly painted charcoal roof because it is covered in snow! It pretty much NEVER snows in Wellington so this has been cause for some excitement, and no work for me today and kindy closed as well.

The kitchen is more or less finished which happened while Harper had a nana holiday and Christchurch and experienced his first decent earthquakes or land burps as he calls them. Hope to whip a little wall up in the garden over the next month once it stops snowing then it will be back to painting the remaining three sides of the house once weather warms up a bit more.

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